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Advancing Performance

Banana Fiber Paper Products

Banana Paper Products

We make handmade paper from banana tree which is considered as a waste after harvesting.Banana papers are an environmentally-conscious paper. Banana trees produce fruit only once a year and are then cut down, leaving abundant waste in the form of leaves and tree trunks. By recycling this by-product fiber into paper, Banana Paper helps prevent excessive pollution of the eco-system's rivers and forests.

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Invitations and Greeting cards

Made from Banana paper

The development is noteworthy, as banana paper can be 300 times stronger than the normal paper. It comes in a variety of colors and weights, which makes it perfect for printing an High quality Invitations.

Single use Products

Cups and plates

Eco-friendly: these disposable plates are made of Banana Paper. If this is thrown on ground it becomes as natural compost for soil.

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Projects: Projects
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